Getting back to nature in Kuala Lumpur: A FRIM family day.

Great news – the Canopy Walkway at FRIM is open again!!

Photo Credit: Forest Research Institute Malaysia

For anyone looking to get back to nature, the Forest Research Institute Malaysia is definitely for you!

With nature walks galore, a waterfall perfect for picnics, and bicycles for hire, it means you can escape the city for the day and be transported to the depths of the forest.

When we were last there, the canopy walk was closed having been damaged in a storm last year, but the main attraction has finally re-opened! I have to say that having the 150-metre walkway back in operation is definitely a reason to return! Set 30 metres above the ground you get some amazing views! Just be aware that, due to safety reasons, the canopy walkway does close in bad weather and they only allow access to a limited amount of people per day when it’s operational. Open to the public from 9.30am until 2.30pm (closed on Fridays) it is best to call in advance to reserve your places to avoid any disappointment!
If scrambling along rope bridges at great heights isn’t your thing (!) there are many other ways to make the most of FRIM. We loved just walking around, paddling in rock pools, touring a little lake and discovering some deserted railway tracks.

The reserve is also home to a phenomenon called ‘Crown Shyness, a special sort of formation in the trees which meant our two children were dashing off trying to find ‘broccoli trees’ on all the different trails!

For Malaysian citizens/MyKad holders, you only pay 1RM to enter (children under 12 are free but they charge 5.30RM for your car to enter the reserve) so it’s a lovely family outing that doesn’t cost a fortune!

An example of ‘Crown Shyness’ that the little ones found along the way!

Happy exploring! S x